Sunday, July 13, 2014

First Post!

This is my first post, it's so exciting, holey moley and stuff! I've thought about making a blog like this for awhile now. You see, I want to be a clinical psychologist one day that specializes in sexuality issues, particularly LGBT youth. However, in order for that to happen I need to complete my 4-year BA, then spend a minimum of 2 years completing my Masters and another 4 completing my PhD. Right now I'm going into my third year of my BA.

This year I've been focusing on building up my resume in order to better my chances of getting into grad school. Grades don't always cut it. They say it's harder to get into grad school for clinical psych than it is to get into med school - the lovely perks of being in a popular program.

It's safe to say I've found myself getting involved in a varied assortment of fascinating and sometimes peculiar projects. This blog is mostly for myself so that when I am a super cool and successful psychologist I can look back on the strange things I did, but if anyone else finds it interesting then that would be a fantastic bonus.

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